
Duran Duran (1st LP) Gold Rush 1981

Rio Capitol/EMI Records 1982

Seven & The Ragged Tiger Capitol/EMI Records 1983

Arena Capitol/EMI Records 1984

Notorious Gold Rush 1986

Big Thing Capitol/EMI Records 1988

Decade Capitol/EMI Records 1989

Liberty Gold Rush 1990

Duran Duran (The Wedding Album) Capitol/EMI Records 1993

Thank You Capitol/EMI Records 1995

MEDAZZALAND Capitol/EMI Records 1997

Greatest Capitol/EMI Records 1998

Essential… EMI-Capitol Entertainment Prop. 1998

Pop Trash Hollywood Records 2000

Сольные и Другие Проекты

Arcadia/So Red The Rose 1985

The Power Station 1985

Simon Le Bon/Grey Lady Of The Sea 1988

Simon Le Bon/Follow In My Footsteps 1990

Warren Cuccurullo/Thanks To Frank 1994

John Taylor/Feelings Are Good And Other Lies 1995

Simon Le Bon/Do That Dance 1995

The Power Station/Living In Fear 1997

John Taylor/Auto Didact 1997

John Taylor/Terroristen 1998

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